Guide – Horse Racing betting

Horse Racing betting

Horse racing and betting – few events are as closely related to each other in the popular imagination as these. Because of movies, literature and television in general, people link horse racing with betting directly, and indeed, it is one of the most classic forms of betting.

But do you know effectively how a horse race betting works? 


Security in the digital environment is very fragile, whether it concerns personal data or financial transactions. Bookmakers are not always properly vetted and do not always implement effective security policies. Therefore, always check before betting if the bookmaker is licensed by any enforcement authority, if it offers secure encryption and good cybersecurity practices.

Betting markets

Horse Racing

A sports equipment shop that only sells tennis balls has no chance of success against the competition. Similarly, a bookmaker that only offers one sport and one market has a very limited service on its hands.

Diversity in terms of sports, betting markets and good odds are decisive criteria for a satisfied and fun betting routine.

Payment methods

Gamblers often resort to the boleto bancário option to place their bets in betting markets. However, not all foreign bookmakers offer this payment option.

Besides the boleto, it is interesting to pay attention to a good diversity of payment methods, such as credit cards, transfers, e-wallets and even cryptocurrencies. Also pay attention to possible fees and time delays for the completion of transactions.

Customer service

Many people give great importance to the welcome bonuses offered by a house as a differential for choice. However, these bonuses are used once and they are gone, while customer service is an element that may be needed at any time and rarely gets highlighted.

Always look for a bookmaker that offers customer service in a language you understand and that has varied communication channels. If there are problems with games or money, the last thing you may want is to be left unable to do anything.

What are the most important horse races in the world to bet on?

bet on Horse Racing

Some countries have a strong tradition of horse racing, and others have adopted the custom over the years. In terms of seniority, none surpasses the UK, considered the benchmark of the art by the rest of the world, but countries like India and the USA are not far behind in competitiveness.

Here are some of the biggest horse racing events on the line.

Royal Ascot (United Kingdom)

One of the most famous races in the entire professional racing world, Royal Ascot is perhaps the most prestigious event in the UK and perhaps the world. The regular attendance of Queen Elizabeth II at the events over many decades gives a good sense of the importance of the event in the professional calendar. Royal Ascot is very old, having been held since 1768, and has never lost its relevance.

Grand National (United Kingdom)

The story behind the British Grand National is that, besides being very traditional (played since 1839), it is an event that attracts not only those interested in horse racing betting, but a large portion of the population that doesn’t even usually place sports bets. It is a landmark in British culture and a special race for not being flat, but with jumps.

Triple Crown of Thoroughbred Racing (USA)

Known simply as the Triple Crown, this North American event is actually a prize given to the horses that win the three main circuits in the country: Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes, and Belmont Stakes. It may seem rare, but it has happened several times in history, most recently in 2015 and 2018. Of course, each event is important individually, but a horse racing bet on the Triple Crown is among the most coveted victories.

Dubai World Cup Carnival (United Arab Emirates)

The most relevant turf event in terms of financial prize money is the UAE Carnival, held in Dubai. In fact, this event closes the Dubai World Cup, and for this reason it is the most awaited of all. Besides the glamour and prestige of winning the event, the winner takes home the bagatelle of 12 million dollars.